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Data Centres support business growth

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Which businesses choose Data Centre based solutions?

While it may not be a question you've previously considered – the answer may surprise you. From the corner florist retail chains and government agencies – any organisation utilising accounting, POS, CRM software like Xero, MYOB or Salesforce or Vend is already relying on data centres to run their business, albeit indirectly.

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Benefits at a glance

Standard office buildings aren't designed to house and protect IT infrastructure. YourDC's data centre's are purpose-built and the highest rated facilities in the state

  • Site accessibility Lockdowns, remote working and out of hours access are no longer barriers when housing equipment with YourDC
  • Fully redundant power supply 100% uptime guarantees equipment remains online and available - always - so you can focus on business continuity to maximise performance
  • Staff access Multiple security layers and stringent access protocols make YourDC facilities some of the State's most secure
  • Controlled environment Consistent cooling, dust free data halls and efficient data halls create the perfect IT infrastructure environment
  • Protection from fire, floods and natural disasters Built to meet stringent certification and security standards, YourDC safeguards business-critical infrastructure
  • Financial and environmental efficiency Built to balance performance and efficiency YourDC harness state-of-the-art system design, cooling controls and solar power production to deliver results

Data Centre aren't just for the big end of town

If you have customers and sell things, it's likely you'd utilise digital systems and infrastructure housed in a data centre somewhere in the world.

So when it comes to your own digital assets, consider whether an old cupboard or dusty store room is the best home for your equipment.

High consumption, high demands

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As hardware gets smaller, faster and more powerful, the world's appetite for connecting and communicating continues to surge. Businesses must consider their current and future IT requirements that demand more power, storage, and faster connectivity.

The more we connect digitally with more devices – the more data we generate and consume – the more we need reliable DCs to manage and protect the flow.

YourDC offers flexible options to accommodate organisations of all sizes from all industries. We work collaboratively with you and our Partners to design and deploy a solution to suit – now – and in the future.

Still need convincing? Talk to us!

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