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Are you prepared?

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Your expensive IT equipment and valuable data deserve a secure home.

YourDC data centres are the location of choice for primary, secondary and disaster recovery equipment for SA schools. Our world-class data centres reduce risk, improve performance and help manage expenditure.

If even one of the onsite ICT infrastructure misconceptions in the booklet we recently sent struck a chord with you, talk to us about how we can help protect your school’s programs, performance, and reputation.

Download the Guide for IT Decision Makers

The project was delivered on budget and ahead of time. YourDC’s remote hands, flexibility, prompt responses, and project delivery have been superb. The future looks solid for us. We now have a robust system in place that we can grow or refresh as needed

Dustin Fisher, Infrastructure Manager, St John's Grammar

We're trusted to protect critical IT infrastructure by leading education institutions across Adelaide.

By delivering secure, efficient, compliant and cost-effective solutions, we create IT environments that make space for your organisation to flourish — tomorrow, and beyond.

The YourDC Difference

Expect the unexpected

While navigating natural disasters and a global pandemic, here's what we've learned

  • Remote working is here to stay
  • Fast, reliable internet is essential
  • Onsite access to ICT systems
  • Equipment isn’t always possible
  • Natural disasters continue to disrupt
  • Cyber attacks are increasingly prevalent
  • Staying connected is critical
  • The unthinkable does happen
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Cost & Sustainability


Using a data centre is more expensive than leaving my equipment on site


- Unnecessary maintenance costs
- Inefficient power use impacts sustainability targets
- Hidden running costs negatively impact budget


Data centres are purpose-built and designed to run and protect ICT infrastructure efficiently. Consuming significantly less power than onsite solutions, data centres help organisations reduce their running costs and their environmental footprint.

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Moving to public cloud means I don’t need a data centre.


• Expensive or slow access to public cloud
• Performance degradation during peak periods
• Barriers to integrating hybrid models
• Data sovereignty


Organisations are increasingly embracing hybrid or multi cloud-based systems, although they can be left vulnerable
to congestion and premium access costs.

Data centres provide fast, reliable, and cost effective access to public cloud and can easily integrate with existing infrastructure for the ultimate balance of access, performance and cost.

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Onsite spaces are suitable to store mission-critical IT infrastructure.


• Power outages
• Extreme temperatures
• Natural disasters


Hosting your ICT infrastructure onsite often leaves you vulnerable to inconsistent power supply, temperature, humidity and dust. IT equipment operates best in a cool, clean and consistent environment and using a data centre ensures you get the maximum life out of your equipment. Data centres deliver 100% uptime with reliable power, cooling and plenty of redundancy should the unthinkable happen.

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My mission-critical IT systems are safer onsite.


• Compromised data causing irreparable reputational damage
• Security breaches due to unmonitored and highly accessible systems
• Inadequate physical security to support cyber security measures


The first step in any cyber security strategy should be to establish adequate physical security around digital platforms and infrastructure.

Physically and digitally, data centres provide multiple layers of defence industry level security to protect your most
valuable digital assets. With stringent induction protocols and extensive monitoring, data centres help keep track of your ICT equipment access and activity 24 x 7.

Your DC illustration 4



I am limited to providers who offer connectivity in my area.


• Overpriced, rigid plans and limited choice
• Complicated and expensive backup links
• Multiple failure points
• Lost time and productivity


Establishing, changing or expanding connectivity on-premises often means long lead times and expensive, lock-in contracts. YourDC is vendor-neutral and boasts the most connected buildings in the state to deliver more options and complete freedom of choice.

Housing your infrastructure with YourDC brings Adelaide’s largest digital ecosystem to your doorstep making it easy to connect and collaborate with hundreds of partners to boost your organisation’s performance.

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Management & Maintenance


Digital platforms are easier to manage if ICT infrastructure is stored onsite.


• Underutilising qualified IT staff
• Distraction from core, value-adding business priorities
• Loss of knowledge with staff turnover


Managing infrastructure is time-consuming and, when kept onsite, can be an unnecessary distraction. Outsourcing digital platforms to trusted infrastructure experts allows your IT team to focus on high-value IT support and projects that drive your future success. And if they need a hand, YourDC technicians are available for remote hands to offer support every day of the year.

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Flexibility & Scalability


It’s easier to scale my ICT infrastructure if it’s kept onsite.


• Space, power and connectivity restrictions
• Significant capital expenditure
• Ageing, depreciating equipment


As remote, online, and digitally enhanced business operations continue to increase, so does the demand for bandwidth, speed, and availability. Onsite infrastructure is rigid and difficult to modify quickly and cost-effectively.

Data centre solutions are flexible and agile with plenty of space, power and connectivity that can be rapidly scaled as
needs evolve.

With the added option of consumption-based models, organisations can access and pay for only what they need when they need it – no CapEx investment, lock-ins or restrictions.

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Business continuity


Hosting my ICT infrastructure onsite will cover my business continuity needs.


• Multiple points of failure
• Downtime and lost productivity
• Compliance issues


Data centres play a critical role in business continuity planning far beyond what would be possible with an onsite solution. YourDC offers dual-site redundancy, disaster recovery and back up options to help you keep the lights on when your sites lose power or connectivity.

YourDC data centres have been built to meet a wide range of certification and accreditation requirements to assist in meeting your business continuity needs.

The most powerful move you can make is relocating mission-critical ICT infrastructure to Adelaide’s leading Data Centre provider YourDC.

• Reduce risk
• Maximise performance
• Optimise budget

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